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River Oaks Chamber Orchestra broadcasts Ice Becomes Water

05/10/2020 @ 3:00 pm

There will be a broadcast of the River Oaks Chamber Orchestra, conducted by Mei-Ann Chen performing ICE BECOMES WATER, scored for string orchestra and electronics fashioned from glacier field recordings at ROCO.org and on Facebook on the ROCO page. . Shatin, who describes the piece as a lament for disappearing glaciers,  created the electronics from field recordings shared by glaciologist Oskar Glowacki, and the performance is accompanied by photos by the wonderful artist Libbie Masterson.  Libbie and I will both be available to answer questions after the broadcast, as will other artists involved in the program, which includes the premiere of Lisa Bielawa”s imaginative Centuries in the Hours, with noted mezzo Laurie Rubin.


3:00 pm - 11:50 pm