Atlanta Young Singers Premieres ‘How is Your Heart Today? During Shatin Residency
Church at Ponce and Highland 1085 Ponce de Leon Ave., AtlantaPandemic theme chosen by the choristers.
Pandemic theme chosen by the choristers.
Viva la Musica! concert
Percussionist I-Jen Fang gives the Charlottesville premiere of the acoustic version of Adventure on Mt. Hehuan for solo bass drum on her recital, presented by the McIntire Department of Music. Composed for her, she premiered it at the Northern Illinois University during their New Music Festival on 11/4/2022. Her recital at UVA is part of…
Text/Painting Showcase at the North American Saxophone Alliance 2023 Biennial Conference
Presented by SEAMUS (Society of Electroacoustic Music in the US)
Readings of Charles Wright Become Music
Poetry & Piano: Poet's Voices & Inspirations
Readings of Charles Wright Become Music
North Carolina Day of Percussion!
From Darkness to Light: Music by Women Composers