The Atar Trio Performs To the Bird from a Foreign Land
Cymbalista Synagogue and Jeriwsh Heritage Center Tel Aviv University, Ramat AViv, IsraelIn the Pool with Bailik: Celebration of Bialik's 150th Birthday
In the Pool with Bailik: Celebration of Bialik's 150th Birthday
YIVO Concert at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival
ClarinetFest at 50!
3 flutists to perform 5 Shatin pieces!
Setting of 3 poems by Sutzkever for Bass, Clarinet, Cello & Piano
The Electroacoustic Flutist
Bent Frequency Duo!
Consortium Member Premiere Of Wells & Springs
Minnesota Premiere of Piping the Earth
Bent Frequency Duo!
Judith in Residency at ODU
Webcast here: