- ‘Tis a Gift
SATB Choir (2:30)
- ‘Tis You (SSA Div, St Qt & Pno or SSA Div & Pno)
SSA divisi, String Quartet & Piano (4:10)
- 1492
Amplified piano & percussion (8:15)
- A Line-Storm Song
Soprano or Mezzo and Piano (4:45)
- A Little Water Music
Electronic playback (3:00)
- Adonai Ro’i (Psalm 23)
SATB Chorus (2:00)
- Adventure on Mt. Hehuan
Bass drum with optional interactive electronics (9:00)
- Akhmatova Songs
Soprano or Mezzo, Flute, Clarinet, Violin, Cello, Piano (13:10)
Version also available for Soprano or Mezzo & Piano
- Alleluia
SATB + Soprano Solo (4:00)
- Amulet
SSA Choir with Divisi (2:40)
- And the Night Will Shine as Day
Soprano and organ (6:00)
- Aseret Makot (The Ten Plagues)
Three-part chorus, flute, cello, piano (3:00)
- Assembly Line #1
Oboe (8:00+)
- Autumn Way
Cello (2:48)
- Bagatelle
Piano (1:14)
- Baruch HaBa
Voice (1:00)
- Being in Time
Wind Ensemble & Electronics (10:00)
- Birkat Kohanim
SATB Divisi (3:00)
- Black Moon
Orchestra and electronics (15:35)
- Blue Air
Video collaboration
- Carreño
Mezzo or soprano and piano (20:00)
- Chai Variations on Eliahu HaNavi
Piano (21:00)
- Chai Variations on Eliahu HaNavi (String Quartet Version)
String Quartet Dur. 21:00
- Cherry Blossom and a Wrapped Thing; After Hokusai
Amplified clarinet and electronics (7:52)
- Cinnamon
Electronic music for film (1:14:00)
- Cinqchronie
Wind Quintet (7:35)
- Civil War Memories
Electronic playback (19:00)
- Clave
Flute, Bb clarinet, tenor sax, violin, viola, cello, piano, percussion (9:45)
- COAL: A Folk Oratorio
Chorus, Appalachian Ensemble, Synthesizer, Electronics (90:00)
- Come Live with Me
Soprano or Mezzo and English Horn, alto flute, clarinet, cello or viola (4:20)
- Commonwealth Salute
Concert Band (3:30)
- Coursing Through the Still Green
Solo Flute (5:25)
- Doxa
Viola and piano (6:10)
- Dreamtigers
Flute and guitar (13:45)
- Dust & Shadow
- Elijah’s Chariot
Amp. String quartet & electronics (19:45)
- Entreat Me
Solo Voice (1:40)
- Fantasía Sobre El Flamenco
Brass Quintet (9:40)
- Fantasy on St. Cecilia
Piano (19:00)
- Fasting Heart
Solo Flute (10:35)
- Fledermaus Fantasy
Violin and piano or Violin, viola, cello, contrabass and piano (19:00)
- Follies and Fancies
Soprano, mezzo, tenor, baritone, bass, piano (55:00)
- For The Birds
Amplified cello and electronics (14:00)
- For the Fallen
Amp. Trumpet and stereo electronics (7:09))
Also versions for cello, flute, soprano sax, violin
- Gabriel’s Wing
Flute and piano (9:00)
- Gazebo Music
Flute and cello (5:25)
- Glimmerings
Electronic playback (1:00)
- Glyph
Solo viola, string quartet, piano (17:00)
Or solo viola, string orch., piano
- Gregor’s Dream
Amplified piano trio & stereo electronics (10:15)
- Grito del Corazón
Flexible ensemble (solo and chamber) with electronics & optional video (5:11)
- Hark My Love
SATB Choir and piano (3:10)
- Hearing the Call
2 Bb Trumpets and 2 Snare Drums (2:00)
- Hosech Al P’ney HaTehom
Electronic playback (11:10)
- House Music
Electronic playback (3:08)
- How is Your Heart Today?
SATB, Children’s Choir (3:30)
- I Am Rose
Chorus (SSA) + electronics (3:00)
- I Love
SATB Choir (4:20)
- Icarus
Violin and piano (15:30)
- Ice Becomes Water
String Orchestra & electronics (13:00)
- Ignoto Numine
Piano Trio (15:00)
- In a Flash
In a Flash Duration 2:00
- Jefferson, In His Own Words
Narrator and orchestra (25:00)
- Kairos
Amplified flute & interactive electronics (16:00)
- Khamsa
Percussion Quintet (6:30)
- Ki Koleich Arev
Soprano, flute, and piano (1:00)
- La Frontera (The Border)
SATB choir & piano, SSAA choir & piano or TTBB choir & piano (Dur. 4:30)
- Long Story Short
Piano Trio (5:00)
- Love Song
Oboe and English Horn (3:45)
Versions also for Ob. & Cl, Ob & Va, Alto Fl & Vc, Sop & Alto Sax, and for Vn & Vc
- L’Étude du coeur
Viola (6:30)
- Marvelous Pursuits
Vocal quartet and piano 4-hands (22:00)
- Meridians
Clarinet (9:00)
- Nah, Nah
Solo Piano (Duration 2:00)
- Nun, Gimel, Hei, Shin
Three-part chorus with optional piano accompaniment (3:00)
- Ockeghem Variations
Wind quintet and piano (16:45)
- Of Wells & Springs
“I love the water of wells and springs” (Wendell Berry) (10:00)
- Patterns
Soprano and piano (20:00)
- Penelope’s Dream
Cello (8:00)
- Penelope’s Song
Amplified viola and electronic playback (9:05)
(Versions available for clarinet, flute, soprano saxophone, violin, or cello and electronic playback)
- Piping the Earth
Orchestra (8:30)
- Plain Song
Piano and electronics (12:00)
Electronic source from readings by Charles Wright
- Quatrain
Violin, viola, clarinet, bass clarinet (9:00)
- Respecting the First
Amplified String Quartet and electronic playback (14:55)
- Respecting the First (Amendment)
String Orchestra & electronics
- Rising on the Wings of Dawn: Violin or Viola
Violin or Viola (7:00)
- Rotunda
Computer music video/film (15:00)
- Ruah
Chamber Orchestra (24:00)
- Ruah, Flute-Piano Version
Duration 23:00
- Run
Piano Quartet (8:25)
- Scirocco
Piano (3:00)
- Sea of Reeds
Amplified clarinet & electronics (13:45)
- Secret Ground
Flute, clarinet, violin, cello (14:45)
- Selah
Female vocal quartet + harp (15:00)
- Shapirit Y’fehfiah
SSA Choir (3:00)
- Sic Transit
Percussionist & Configurable Automated Drumming Machine (CADI)(9:00)
- Singing Still
Flute (8:30)
- Singing the Blue Ridge
Mezzo, Baritone, Orchestra & Electronics (14:00)
- Sister Thou Wast Mild and Lovely
Soprano and viola or clarinet (2:00)
- Songs of War and Peace
SATB Chorus + piano (16:30)
- Spin
Flute, Clarinet, Bassoon, Violin, Viola, Cello (6:00)
- Spring Tides
Amplified flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano, interactive electronics (11:00)
- Storm
Amplified tenor saxophone and electronics (7:00)
- Stringing the Bow
String Orchestra (15:00)
- Study in Black
Flute and Percussion (4:00)
- Sursum Corda
Cello (8:45)
- Sweet Harmony
Soprano and Piano (1:30)
- Tape Music
Original 5.1 Surround Version (7:14)
Also available here in quad and stereo.
- Tape Music∞
Any number of performers, several objects & electronics (5:05)
- Terra Infirma
Soprano sax (or Bb clarinet), Bb Trumpet, Trombone, Violin, Viola, Cello, Percussion & electronics (19:00)
- Teruah
Shofar, 3 horns, 2 trumpets, 2 trombines, timpani (9:00)
- The Best Angel in Heaven
2-part treble chorus and piano
Also available for unison chorus or soloist & piano
- The Gift to Sing
SATB (3:30)
- The God of Glory
SATB Divisi (5:00)
- The Jabberwocky
TTBB choir (5:45)
- The Janus Quartet
String Quartet (12:00)
- The Jumblies
SSA divisi and piano (5:50)
- The Passion of St. Cecilia
Piano concerto (21:00)
- The Wendigo
Treble Chorus (SSA) & Electronics (2:40)
- Three Summers’ Heat
Mezzo or soprano & stereo electronics (17:30)
- Time To Burn
Oboe & 2 Percussion (9:30)
- To Keep the Dark Away
Piano (11:00)
- To the Bird from a Different Land
A Song Without Words
- Tongue Twisters
SSA chorus and piano (7:20)
- Tower of the Eight Winds
Violin and Piano (15:20)
- Trace Elements
2 Pianos & 2 Percussion (9:45)
- Tree Music
Interactive electronics & wireless camera (variable duration)
- unter soreles vigele
Mezzo or Soprano & Piano (4:00)
- vayter un vayter
Bass (or bass-baritone) singer, clarinet, cello, piano (15:45)
Also, for baritone + ensemble, or with singer & piano
- View from Mt. Nebo
Piano Trio (14:55)
- Water Ways
Electronic playback (1:00)
- We Bring You Peace
SATB (2:00)
- We Hold These Truths
SATB choir, brass quintet, and timpani (15:00)
- Werther
Flute/piccolo, clarinet, violin, cello, piano (8:20)
- When the Moon of Wildflowers is Full
Flute and cello (3:30)
- Why the Caged Bird Sings
SATB divisi and piano (4:45)
- Widdershins
Piano (9:00)
- Wind Songs
Wind Quintet (12:00)
- Zipper Music
2-4 amplified zipper players; 1 – 4 MIDI controllers (8+ min.)